Sharon MacIsaac McKenna
It’s a pleasure to welcome you to a new academic year as I take my leave of the faculty after being involved from its beginnings and for most of my adult life. Impossible to express my gratitude for this good fortune and privilege, for being there at the right time and with the right people…
Gayle Burns
Many thoughts crowded in every time I came to consider how to be with you today. These three ideas predominated: transition, transformation and attention to one’s life, as in care of one’s self, while a training psychotherapist and…
Philip McKenna
Dear friends and colleagues
It is my privilege and joy to welcome especially you new colleagues to our 2014-15 school year.
I love the word ’orientation’ with its ordinary clear sense, its deep psychological sense and its metaphysical sense rooted in our religious past. I love too that “orient,” “orientation” have both active and passive senses…
Cathleen Hoskins
Tonight I want to speak especially to the new students, for
whom an Orientation Evening is most apt, and I’d like to speak
about beginnings. Daniel Stern, one of the developmental
theorists we study at CTP, describes the newborn’s original,
initiating arc of life…
Ken Ludlow
On her album Strange Angels, Laurie Anderson, the American musician and performance artist has a song entitled The Dream Before. The song, which is dedicated to the philosopher Walter Benjamin, updates us on the current lives of Hansel and Gretel…
Philip McKenna
Dear friends, there are a few occasions each year when the whole school – students, graduates and faculty are invited to gather together – Graduation, What is Psychotherapy day and Orientation. The focus of tonight’s gathering…
Ken Ludlow
Watch Your Language
When my daughter, Simone, was about two-and-a-half, she and I were walking in our neighbourhood. As we waited for a light to change, a woman, who looked to be in her mid 60’s, leaned down to address Simone. She was being “friendly”. I don’t remember her exact words, but I do remember how exaggerated and gushing her tone was. A kind of over-the-top adult to child delivery…
Joel Whitton
Good evening everyone!
I was wondering whether to give the two hour version [much
continuing laughter heard] , or the only the three minute
version. [More laughter heard.] I will take that to mean that
there seems to be agreement that the short version will do…
Gayle Burns
Recently, I had the opportunity to experience two plays: Six
Characters in Search of an Author by Luigi Pirandello and
Mnemonic by Simon McBurney and Theatre De Complicite…
Ken Ludlow
Several years ago a man in his early 30’s came to me for psychotherapy following his release from a psychiatric ward of a Toronto hospital. His older sister, who was taking my psychology class at the time, had approached me after class and asked if I would be willing to see her brother…
Joel Whitton
I’m not used to wearing a nametag. Usually I don’t want to know who I am. I was going to tell a few jokes before I started but I couldn’t get them through the CTP censor board. They said that some of them were so bad they would knock a buzzard off of a barn wagon. So I thought I would tell you a little story…
Sharon MacIsaac McKenna
I want to tell you things you may not know about this programme—you that are beginning and you that have been here.
In 1986 we launched CTP as such, sent out a brochure and duly registered its name. It was born of a convergence of people interested for some time in such an endeavour. These people and associates met for a couple of years to establish a consensus and create a curriculum…